Papa John’s Apologizes to Cleveland

Papa John’s Pizza was handing out T-shirts with Lebron James’s number and the word “crybaby” under it.

Now, after the Cavaliers eliminated the Wizards in 6 games, they are crying and have issued and apology to Cleveland and Cavaliers fans.

Papa John’s will sell Cleveland residents (how about Akron?) a large, one-topping pizza for 23 cents on Thursday.

The company also will donate $10,000 to the Cavaliers Youth Fund.

The shirts started after James complained about hard fouls, and Wizards center Brendan Haywood called him a crybaby.

Published by Luke Ross

Luke Ross, is the founder of Luke grew up watching and playing soccer but his heart was always in Basketball. Luke arrived in Cleveland in 1993 and turned into a Cavaliers fan since.

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